Monday 26 March 2012

Day 5: The Weep and Gravel.

So we're back.  No more crazy March weather.  It was fun while it lasted, but now it's 2 degrees like it's supposed to be.  That also means long johns and toques on the job.  Also, using the porta-potty as a wind shield when you think no one else is looking.  Oh yeahhhhh.

Today was another huge machinery day.  We had the stone slinger on site today.  If you're not sure what a stone slinger does... then I can't really help you.  I can, however, provide you with photographic evidence.

Seriously, the jokes just write themselves.
Speaking of frigid temperatures, it was cold enough that: a) the slinger's treads actually froze and took a while to get unstuck and started; and b) the little french man, who's nickname was Kermit (like the frog), was swearing the whole time with his super thick accent.  "I love my country but I 'ate the fuh-king weah-dur".  Good times.

Anyways, while Kermit slung stone, we installed weeping tile.  Linzi has asked me to provide you all with this wonderful joke:
Q: Why was the tile sad?

The weeping tile, for you non-house people like me, is there to prevent flooding and provide drainage around the foundation.  If you don't want your basement to be an indoor swimming pool, it's probably a good thing to have around.  So, we cut the pipe to fit, ran it all around the semi, and then filled it in with more gravel.

With Kermit tossing gravel around willy nilly, we had to level and tamp it all down to prevent it from settling unevenly.  We want a house, not the leaning tower of Pisa.  So I was given a rake again (surprise, surprise) and we leveled out the stone to be the height of our footings.

Who needs a massage chair when you can just run that bad boy down your back a few times?
So there we are.  The forms for the foundation will go up tomorrow, probably, and then we will have more concrete and gravel, followed by... well, whatever comes next.  I'm not really sure.  In case you haven't noticed, I'm kinda new to the rodeo.

Later days.

Alex and Linzi.

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