Thursday, 7 June 2012

Day 50 - 55: The home stretch.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  It's been a long journey, one that started as more of a "follow Alex as he bumbles around the worksite" to a "hey, check out all the stuff that happened".  At this point, it's becoming more and more like a house, and at the moment, both the inside and the outside really do look like a real house, and not just a hole in the ground.

For the exterior, everything is pretty much done.  The siding has been finished, which was kind of the final stage in the game.  Our ashgrove blend brick and our sandalwood siding have come together quite nicely.

My house could beat up your house.
Funny story though.  When Linzi first saw the siding, she hated it.  I mean HATED it.  She was planning on sneaking off in the middle of the night and spray painting "ALEX LALONDE" all over it so we could replace it.  Then the next day she didn't mind it as much.  Day 3, she thought it was alright, and then yesterday she drove by and thought it was awesome.  Go figure.

As we move to the inside, the big stuff seems to all be in place.  All of the ventilation is finished, and our furnace is installed and ready to go.

Where the magic happens.  Heat magic.  Alright, just heat.
Even more exciting, our drywall is up and taped.  That means it just needs to be sanded, and then it'll be trim, paint and floor and we'll be ready to go.

Full disclosure: this is our laundry room.  You get the idea, though.
Our floor is on back order though, so We're not really sure when it'll come in.  Speed bump, i guess.

Later Days.

Alex and Linzi


  1. Alex

    H'mmm seems to be more progress when you're teaching :)

    Looking good!

  2. Hey Buddies,

    Hard to believe you will be moving in soon! :)
    Cant wait to see it in person!

    Missing you both!

    <3 Erin
