Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 29 - 30: Plumbing and electrical, pt 1.

Bonjour.  Comment ca va?  As you can see, I am practicing my French for class.  As promised, we did not wait for two weeks before posting again, though we don't have too much to update on for the house.

One thing to note that we now have an attic.  The area above the garage is kind of a loft area where we can store things like Christmas lights and Riley when he has nowhere to live.  It is complete with a trapdoor for access, Christmas Vacation-style.

Not shown: old bathrobe and home movies
The biggest news in terms of progress is that the major plumbing pipes have been laid in the basement.  It all still needs to be brought up to the main level, but most of the tough work is done now.  Once the pipes are tested, they will be able to pour the garage and basement floors.

"Hey Linzi, nice pipes."
Also, because it's so gosh darn big, we have our tub in place in the bathroom.  It looks kinda funny, given that everything else is just frame and plywood, but there it is all ready to go.

At least the important things are done.
Last, but not least, today we decided on all of our outlets, switches and electrical fixtures for the house.  The decisions were much easier than I thought, but I suppose there aren't that many options for us to choose from.  

Well, that's all for now folks.  Tune in the next couple days and who knows, maybe I'll be back to work.

Later days,

Alex and Linzi

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