Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Day 10-11: Learning New Things.

There was no post for yesterday because I was at work for the day instead of being at the site.  A quick update: the foundation was tarred and insulated.  Here is what that looks like:

It's slowly creeping up the walls!
Now on to today.

This morning I was told by Jeff that I was going to learn how to shovel.  I thought "what an odd thing to say.  Surely I understand the basic mechanics of shoveling, don't I?"  What may have been a more accurate statement was; "today you're going to spend three hours shoveling gravel against the foundation of the house.  Have fun."

So. Much. Fun.
So for a back-breaking, arm-tiring, noun-verbing morning I did exactly that.  To everyone out there who's paying for a gym membership, stop being a sucker and start building houses.  I'm pretty sure that by the end of this experience I will be in better shape than any other time in my past and future life.

Take that, Crossfit!
While I moved rocks with a shovel, the rest of the crew prepped for floor joists.  Floor joists are basically two 2x4's with angled wood run throughout in triangular patterns to keep the house from caving in the middle.  Kind of important.  The type of joists we used is called "Tri Force", which isn't very interesting unless you've played a Zelda game.  Anyway, once I was done shoveling I got to hand-bomb joists from where the truck dropped them off into the "basement". 

"Take this pile and make a pile over there" doesn't sound like make-work at all...
Once the joists started moving, the other guys starting putting them in place.  When Linzi dropped by, she was really excited that her side had a floor and the other didn't.  That was, of course, until Mike explained that they were using her side to practice for the other one.

Don't step on the crack or... well... you'll pretty much die.
Things are moving right along, and hopefully both sides will have joists by the end of the day tomorrow.  Today I upgraded from rake to shovel.  The way I see it, I'll be an architect in no time.

Later days.

Alex and Linzi

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