Sunday, 25 March 2012

Day 4: The Destruction.

I have a confession to make.  I've lied to you.  I know, I know, this is the last conversation I hoped to have with you.  I just can't keep it a secret anymore.  I can only hope you can forgive me.

Last post, I said that we had a foundation, and I have since been corrected.  Apparently the footings are FOR a foundation, and not a foundation in and of themselves.  I was confused because, having no idea what I'm doing, I decided to look up footings online and found this information.  It was an honest mistake, and I hope that someday you can learn to trust me again.

So, back to the building.  We had just finished pouring the FOOTINGS and definitely not the FOUNDATION when I came to work and found out we were then going to strip them.  While this may sound racy and exciting, it actually meant we were tearing down the forms that we built.  The thing we did for the last three days? Yeah, destroy that.

Poor thing.  It never had a chance.
Next thing you know, we're gonna be filling in the hole or something.

Because the footings are so large (due to the ground situation on the lot), it's much cheaper to fill the space around them with dirt up to a certain level, rather than filling the whole pit with gravel.  So, we essentially spent a day undoing all the other things we've done so far.  Groovy.

Some quick housekeeping things about the blog so far.  We may be cutting this down to every other day, or three times a week, depending on scheduling and what happens during the day.  Because of that, I've enabled following options on the page.  You can submit your email, and it will send you something every time it's updated, or use RSS links.  You could of course just add it to your favourites and check all the time too.  Whatever works.  I'm all about equal access.

Also, some people have asked me about commenting.  You don't need any special program or anything to comment.  If you click on a post you will see a comment box. Under it there is a drop down menu called "comment as".  From there, you can choose "Name/URL" and type your name.  That will allow you to comment.

That's about it for now.

Later days.

Alex and Linzi

1 comment:

  1. Sue Nieuwenburg26 March 2012 at 19:51

    This is looking pretty concrete (if you'll pardon the pun)! What is the projected finish date?
