Sunday, 26 May 2019


Hi everyone.

It's been a little bit, mostly because of the weather and a little bit because of work.  A few things have happened since the last post.

First, the foundation has been tarred, and then covered with a dimpled plastic for waterproofing.

Once that happens, Gravel that has been placed around the perimeter is shoveled against the foundation to assist with drainage. Kind of a boring way to spend your Saturday

Once all of that is in place, then back filling is next.

While backfilling happens, 2x4s are run along the top of the foundation for the floor joists to sit on, and window wells are installed.

Then, the beams to hold up the floor, and the rest of the house, have been installed on jack posts down to concrete footings.  The concrete in the middle is to support the fireplace in the main room.

Next, The floor joists have been installed, which means that you can really start to appreciate the size of the main floor.

These are our temportary stairs, which are in the location of what will eventually be our actual stairs.

Finally, work has begun on installing the plywood subfloor, which will eventually cover the entire main level of the house.  

That's the Cole's Notes of everything.  Hopefully I will be able to post more consistently and let you know what is going on.


Thursday, 9 May 2019


Hi everyone,

We now have a foundation.

Not being at the site as often this time, there will most likely only be an update once a week or so, and with the rain being what it has been, there have been some delays.

Now that the foundation is complete, filling all the little holes for water is the next step.

And that's where we are right now.

Stay tuned, hopefully more interesting things will happen in the near future.
