So it's been a while, mostly because our floor was on back order. However, now it's in, so we're back on track.
At the moment, a lot of the finishing touches have been added to the house. One example is the parging, which apparently is not as commonplace as you would think.
The other big addition is our light fixtures, which have all been installed.
The bathroom. |
The dining room. |
So finally the flooring has begun. The hardwood floor has been delivered, and they've also started installation.
The final thing that I've been doing in the house involves sandwich bags and insulation. No, it's not the worst packed lunch ever, it's a process designed to stop rattling from the ventilation ducts.
Apparently this is not a make work project, but also something that no one else in the city does. Quality work, ladies and gentlemen.
Join us next time when the topic of discussion will be decks.
Later Days.
Alex and Linzi.